Dec 26, 2013

Ted Tremper

Ted Tremper is an independent filmmaker living in Chicago. He’s a remarkable improviser, who consistently coaxes performances that are both hilarious and heartbreaking in equal measure, from his mostly unknown cast members. His previous output includes the incredible ‘Break-ups’, a simple premise delivered masterfully. Much like ‘High Maintenance’ it uses a simple situation (in that case a guy who delivers weed to various eccentric characters) to explore a vast range of human emotion, whilst keeping you wonderfully entertained. The laughs come quick and (most often) harshly, and so do the emotionally resonant moments.
‘Break-ups’ is a particularly difficult subject but is handled delicately and never exploitative of its characters. His most recent web series – ‘Shrink’, is as carefully constructed, funny, and emotionally engaging. It’s exactly the kind of humour we love here at Quandary Productions (I have Tom Bridger to thank for bringing it to my attention). We highly recommend that you check out Ted’s work. He’s most certainly someone to watch for the future!

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